November 5-7, 2025
Montreal, Quebec
Le Centre Sheraton Montreal Hotel

Among the many tangible benefits of DPRCG membership, one of the greatest is the annual DPRCG Convocation. It provides an unparalleled event for attendees to network with true peers and focus on new solutions to the myriad of challenges faced by large firms. DPRCG’s Convocation is an annual industry-leading conference attended by more than 90% of DPRCG member firms each year, with a majority of firms represented by multiple attendees.  The sharing among like-minded, risk-aware professionals is a unique experience! 

The Convocation kicks off with day-long leadership Forums on Wednesday that provide firm leaders in risk management, legal and financial operations the opportunity to discuss of-the-moment trends and issues in a peer-lead, confidential setting. These Forums sell out quickly, so reserve your spot early! The following day and a half consist of keynote speakers, main stage presentations, and various breakout sessions.  All events, including the networking lunches and receptions, are tailored to provide the opportunity to discuss the issues that are most important to you while gaining new insights for developing stronger risk management practices. 

Learn more about the Convocation and Forums by watching this video.

Pre-Conference Forums

Prior to the start of the Convocation, DPRCG offers two Leadership Forums – a Financial Management Forum and a Risk Management/Legal Forum.  These are day-long offerings on Wednesday that provide firm leaders in risk management, legal, and financial operations the opportunity to discuss current trends and issues in a peer-lead, confidential setting. The Forums are a great way to have in-depth discussions with peers facing similar industry challenges, learn from others’ experiences, and share strategies and resources. The two Forums meet independently in the morning.  At lunchtime, all participants dine together, providing an opportunity for additional networking and idea sharing.  Following lunch, the Financial Management Forum attendees reconvene.  In contrast, participants in the Senior Risk Management/Legal Forum break into two groups – one for legal counsel and the other for risk managers – to allow for more targeted discussions. Each Forum is an additional $300.

Member Firm Benefit

  • One attendee per firm receives:
    • Complimentary Convocation registration 
    • Up to three nights room & tax at Le Centre Sheraton Montreal Hotel
    • Airfare reimbursement up to $600 USD (International) $400 (Canadian domestic)
  • Additional attendees from the same firm receive:
    • Discounted registration fee - $1000


You will make your own room reservation at Le Centre Sheraton Montreal Hotel.

Room Rate until October 2: $289 CAD (plus taxes and fees)

Air Travel

You will arrange your own air travel. Book early to get the best fare possible! Speakers and one attendee per member firm will receive airfare reimbursement, up to $600 USD (CONUS) or $400 USD (International).

Montreal-Trudeau International Airport (YUL) is the closest international airport to the Le Centre Sheraton Montreal Hotel. The hotel is about 14.6 kilometers from the airport. 

Travel cost reimbursement is a DPRCG member-firm benefit; all reimbursements are made payable to the member firm and not to the individual attendee.

"No-shows" will not be reimbursed.  To obtain reimbursement, email the airfare receipt to: [email protected].  Reimbursements only include actual ticket, tax, and luggage fees.Upgrade fees, change fees, and tickets purchased with points are not included in the reimbursement program.

Fee Payment

Once you register and receive an invoice you can Click here to make your payment online. Or checks can be made payable to DPRCG in US dollars and mailed to the below address.

DPRCG • PO Box 80994 • Charleston SC 29416
Questions? Call 843-779-7009 or email [email protected]

Cancellation Policy:

For First Attendee From Company: If you need to cancel your attendance, you will be responsible for calling the hotel and canceling your room reservation, letting DPRCG know at, and canceling your flight reservation. We ask that you let us know by October 6. No airfare will be reimbursed if you cancel your registration. DPRCG will only provide flight reimbursements for those who attend the convocation. DPRCG will not be responsible for payment for your room reservation if you do not attend the event, so be sure to cancel your reservation in the event you cannot attend the convocation.

For Additional Attendees: If you need to cancel your attendance, you will need to do so by October 6 in order to receive a refund for your registration. You will be responsible for calling the hotel to cancel your room reservation and canceling your flight reservation.  

Onsite excursion events will be able to be canceled and receive a refund if canceled by October 6.


Future Convocation Dates
October 7-9, 2026 - Location TBA
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October 20-22, 2027 - Location TBA
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November 8-10, 2028 - Location TBA
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